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>> Scientific Divisions > Laboratory of Materials for Photovoltaics and Photonics > Team

Institute of Applied Physics
5 Academiei str.
Chisinau, MD-2028
MOLDOVA (Rep. of)
phone: +(373) 22 738150
fax: +(373) 22 738149
email: [javascript protected email address]

Laboratory of Materials for Photovoltaics and Photonics


Research activities

  • Experimental and theoretic investigations of physical and physico-chemical properties of semiconductor crystalline and non-crystalline materials, as well as compounds from environmental friendly and abundant chemical elements.
  • Development of advanced and low-cost technologies for obtaining of the mentioned materials and multifunctional photovoltaic and photonic devices on their bases.
  • Involvement in National Program for valorization of renewable energy sources by studying the solar irradiation and optical properties of variability of atmospheric aerosols in an urban environment (mun. Chisinau), as well as by designing of new simple and efficient technologies for obtaining functional photovoltaic elements.
  • Design of new technologies for obtaining of multilayered nanostructures of chalcogenide glasses with different composition and azopolymer structures as well as investigation of their optical properties. Research of new carbazol and non-carbazol layers of azopolymers with possibility of direct recording of optical diffraction elements.

Head of laboratory:

    acad. ASM, prof., Dr.Sci. Ernest Arushanov
    cab. 203
    phone : + (373) 22 735531
    fax : + (373) 22 738149
    email : [javascript protected email address]


The laboratory possesses a range of performant/unique equipment and facilities, some of which are also available to non-IFA researchers. E.g:


Laboratory staff:

Alexey Simashkevich
Dr.Sci., prof., acad. ASM
cab.: 215
phone: +(373) 22 738054
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/asimashkevich
Elena Achimova
Dr.Sci., assoc. prof. 
Principal scientific researcher
cab.: 402
phone: +(373) 22 737079
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/eachimova
Vladimir Abaskin
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 402
phone: +(373) 22 737079
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vabaskin
Leonid Bruk
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 127
phone: +(373) 22 738054
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/lbruk
Maxim Guc
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/mguc
Konstantin Lisunov
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/klisunov
Alexandr Nateprov
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Leading scientific researcher
cab.: 137
phone: +(373) 22 737186
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/anateprov
Nicolai Curmei
Senior scientific researcher
cab.: 127
phone: +(373) 22 738054
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ncurmei
Elena Hajdeu-Chicaros
Senior scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ehajdeu
Sergiu Levcenco
Senior scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/slevcenco
Valentin Batir
Scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vbatir
Veronica Cazac
Scientific researcher
cab.: 202
phone: +(373) 22 739042
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vercazac
Ion Damaskin
Ph.D., assoc. prof. 
Scientific researcher
cab.: 241
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/idamaskin
Lazari Dermenji
Scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/ldermenji
Constantin Losmanschii
Scientific researcher
cab.: 001
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/closmanschii
Serghei Moldovanu
Scientific researcher
cab.: 244
phone: +(373) 22 
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/smoldovanu
Alexandru Prisacar
Scientific researcher
cab.: 445
phone: +(373) 22 739042
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/aprisacar
Ghennadi Triduh
Scientific researcher
cab.: 445
phone: +(373) 22 739042
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/gtriduh
Victoria Rotaru
Stagiar scientific researcher
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vrotaru
Vladislav Botnari
Senior engineer
cab.: 001
phone: +(373) 22 
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vbotnari
Liudmila Epur
Senior engineer
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/lepur


Ph.D. / Ms. Sci. Students:

Valentin Batir
Ph.D. student
cab.: 110
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/vbatir
Constantin Losmanschii
Ph.D. student
cab.: 001
phone: +(373) 22 738170
email: [javascript protected email address]
www: /en/personalpages/closmanschii


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